Saturday, February 25, 2017

Day 4 quit smoking cold turkey! New Healthy Life!!

September 2016, The Beginnings of a New ME

Diet Walking and No Smoking

Starting The HCG Protocol

Before - 197 Pounds

After -  155 pounds

What is it & How does it work? By using a combination of VLCD (very low calorie diet) and hCG injections, the hCG diet focuses on losing and maintaining weight by shifting one's food intake to 500 calories while taking daily injections of hCG, or the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone
During the HCG protocol, there are three phases that one goes through.

Phase One: The first phase is known as the “loading phase”. On the first day of the diet when the HCG is taken you are allowed to eat anything you please and as much as you please. An important hint would be that you should eat everything that you are going to miss while on your diet. Eating things such as cake, french-fries, Ice cream, pasta, bread and candy are highly encouraged! This phase continues for 2 days and ends on the third day of the diet.

Phase Two: Phase 2 of the diet starts on the third day. You should wake up feeling like you couldn't take another bit of food even if you wanted to! You now take your HCG at the time you selected and reference your food list for the amount of time you have chosen to do the diet for. A Good rule of thumb for people who need to lose 30 lbs or more may choose to do the diet for the full 40 days. Because most people lose 1- 1.5 pounds a day you want to make sure that you choose a realistic time frame for your diet. Someone who needs to lose 10-15 pounds does not need to do a 40-day protocol. Phase 2 consists of a 500-calorie diet drinking lots of water along the way.

What to eat during phase 2:
Breakfast – Coffee or tea with sugar substitute (i.e. stevia)

Lunch - For lunch you are to eat a weight of 100 grams of protein each day. On a scale with ounces this may be about 3.4, but it varies with items. When weighing out your foods, make sure that it is indeed raw and unfrozen to get an accurate weight. Protein consists of lean beef, chicken, shrimp, lobster, crab, fish or veal. When using ground beef you want to choose something such as 93/7 or something close, this means that it is 97% lean 7% fat. The less fat the better! Be careful when choosing a fish, there are some sources of fish that are very high in fat such as salmon, catfish, tuna and eel. Tipila however is always a great choice and also very easy to find in almost every market. Make sure that all your meat is stripped of any visible fat.
You are allowed 1 vegetable at lunch, which you also need to find from your food list. Some examples are tomatoes (1 whole), lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, cabbages and asparagus.  Most types of lettuce and greens are allowed. I have done mixed vegetables for lunch and this has not affected my weight loss.
One type of bread stick or melba toast goes with every lunch. Both are pretty easy to find in the store but make sure to check the box for any added cheeses or seasonings, plain are always better!
Fruits consist of 1 whole apple, ½ a grape fruit or a handful of strawberries, I say about 6.

Dinner - Dinner is the same as lunch 100 grams of protein, 1 veggie, fruit and your bread stick or melba toast.

**Helpful Hints**
Fruit and melba toast are both carbohydrates and if you find that you are not losing weight you should take try to remove these foods from your diet.
On a lot of the vegetables, the original diet doesn’t seem to come with any instructions as far as quantity goes, you just have to use your best common sense. Most vegetables such as lettuce and greens are fillers, so a salad size is best. You will find that most veggies are very low in calories! Now the original diet does not say you can mix your veggies, but I never saw any change in my diet by making a small salad using 2 or 3 ingredients from the list. Dressing however is very restricted. No oils or high fat or sugar dressing are permitted at anytime. Apple Cider Vinegar, Red or White Vinegars are always good choices. Seasoning, however is another thing most every type or seasoning are ok. Salts, Peppers and spices are never very harmful as long as no sugars exist in their ingredients.

Sauces such as mustard, hot sauce, teriyaki, and others that mainly consist of sodium are safe choices. Make sure to read labels! If it has less then 2 grams of sugar its probably safe to use a little for taste, but don’t drown your food in it. Also when your body’s intake of sodium reaches high levels your body reacts by retaining water which could make a difference on the scale, so keep that on mind and be sure not to over season! During phase 2 Cosmetics and moisturizers are also restricted do to your body’s ability to absorb the fats you skin comes in contact with.

Stay away from the massage parlor! Getting a massage can be very damaging to your diet! When getting a massage, fat stores are moved around and tissues are adjusted which might interrupt a certain area your body was burning.

Phase Three: Phase 3 of the protocol is what we call the maintenance phase. This is probably one of the most important phases in the diet. When you reach the last day of your HCG intake, you must stay on the 500 calorie diet for an additional 3 days. This makes sure that all traces of HCG are out of your system before you begin to introduce larger portions of food back into your body.

What to eat during phase three:
When the 3 days are up you can now increase your daily intake of food, not increasing more than 1500 calories per day. This part of the phase is continued for 2-3 weeks after the last day of the 500-calorie diet. You will now introduce things like dairy products and other healthy fats such as avocados back into your diet. Protein is the most important part of this phase, and keeping it at a good working level for your body type. The average person needs about 80 grams of protein per day (Nutritional Value) not to be confused with 80 grams of weight, but actual nutritional content. When moving from phase 2 to 3 people can be excited by the new food choices open to them neglecting phase 2 foods such as steak and chicken that give them the proper protein content they need. Though phase 3 is less restricted with food choices it's still important to keep up a high level or protein throughout your day.
In this phase you must weigh yourself every morning after you have emptied your bladder and other bodily substances. Your weight should not increase 2 pounds from your last weight the morning before. If this happens you must have high protein day. 

Phase 4: In phase 4 when your weight has become consistent and stable you will start to re-introduce sugars and starches back into your diet. Starting off slow is always good. Don’t go binging!
A chocolate bar one day and some bread with dinner another day is a safe place to start. Start off slow and keep an eye on how your body reacts to these strange new items. Remember these are now foreign things to your body, it will take some time for your body to get use to burning them off. By the end of phase 4 you should have both the freedom and knowledge you desire! I say knowledge because through my dieting experience, I learned not only how to diet but how my body reacts to different foods. With the little things we learn from what is bad for us, we can slowly become healthier people and need diets in general less and less.

Maintaining your weight is important. If you go back to old eating habits your weight most likely will come right back on. Many have found that making a life style change is the solution. One idea for after the hcg diet is to find a eating plan that offers a healthy way of life, not just a quick fix. There are many healthy eating plans that offer just that. If you don’t mind going mostly vegan, than a plan such as a macrobiotic diet might be your answer. Eating a macrobiotic menu means you eat fresh locally grown foods. Items like whole grains, fresh vegetables, and soups will all be popular choices with a macrobiotic diet. However, if you are a meat lover this may not be the plan for you. Other plans that seem healthy are the Dash diet or even the Mediterranean diet plan. Do some research and find what works for you. There are a lot of healthy eating plans available; you just have to find one that allows foods to your liking. Lose the weight and maintain it for a life time.

Do I Exercise During the Diet? You can exercise during phase two however limit it to light walking.